southeastern fivelined skink (Eumeces inexpectatus)
CHARACTERISTICS: This is a medium-sized skink with a maximum
snout- vent length of 3.1 inches (79 mm) and a maximum total length of
7.6 inches (194 mm) in Virginia. The body has smooth, overlapping, and
glossy scales. The five lines are white to orange in color against a black
to brown background. The stripes go the length of the body and about
half the length of the tail. The tail is easily broken off by capture or by a
predator. The original tail is brownish-gray to purplish and the regener-
ated one is grayish-brown. During the breeding season, males have red
heads. Adult males are larger than females. Mating times are unknown
but probably occur in April and early May. Eggs are laid in June and early
July, and the female lays one clutch of 7-11 eggs. The eggs are laid in
decaying logs and stumps or on the ground under logs. They hatch from
early July to early August. This skink is less arboreal than the five-lined
skink, Eumeces fasciatus.
DISTRIBUTION: This skink is found around man-made structures,
edges of fields and woods, urban woodlots, dry pine forests, mixed pine-
hardwood forests, early stage of lowland pine communities, and sawdust
piles. It is found in logs and under bark or debris on the ground. It
overwinters in decomposing logs and cracks of man-made dwellings.
Because the eggs are laid in decomposing logs and stumps, they need
older-aged stands to maintain a supply of egg-laying and resting loca-
FOODS: This skink feeds mainly on invertebrates, including beetles,
grasshoppers, wood roaches, caterpillars, spiders, and centipedes.
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