showy skullcap (Scutellaria serrata)
showy skullcap
SCIENTIFIC SYNONYMS: There are no scientific synonyms for
Scutellaria serrata.
CONFIRMATION STATUS: Pending confirmation.
TAXONOMY: The currently accepted scientific name for showy
skullcap is Scutellaria serrata Andrews.
NATIVE STATUS: Native, United States.
Habit: Showy skullcap is a herbaceous perennial growing to a height for
1 to 2 feet. It has a single unbranched, hairless (or nearly so) square stem
arising from a woody base.
Leaves: Leaves usually 4 or 5 pairs, the upper ones the largest with short
petioles. The leaves are hairless, large (2 to 4 inches), ovate, coarsely tooth-
ed and pointed. Lower leaves with base tapering into a long petiole.
Flowers: The flowers are tubular, narrow, violet-blue in color, snapdragon shaped-flowers. Upper petal a concave caplike structure with two smaller,
lateral petal lobes. Bottom petal lobes fused into a downward hanging, bi-
lobed lip. Corolla tube bent upwards. Flowers arranged in a terminal ra-
ceme (loose spike).
Fruit/Seeds: Nutlets about 2 mm. in diameter, covered with small, blunt projections.
Roots: Insufficient information.
REGENERATION PROCESS: Showy skullcap propogates itself by
HABITAT TYPES: Habitats include rich open woods, thickets, clear-
ings, and along river banks.
SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Showy skullcap prefers partial to full
shade and does best in rich, well drained, moderately moist soil.
SEASONAL DEVELOPMENT: Showy skullcap blooms in late spring,
to early summer, May and June.
GENERAL DISTRIBUTION: Showy skullcap naturally occurs in the
eastern portion of the United States, ranging from Florida to New York,
and west to the states adjacent to the Mississippi River/Ohio River. It does
not naturally occur in the New England states, mid-West, southwest, far
west or northwest states. It does not naturally occur in any Canadian prov-
IMPORTANCE AND USES: There is insufficient information pertaining
to the faunal and floral relationships.
Showy skullcap is used as an ornamental, particularly for moist to dry
woodland or shade gardens.
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